Tuesday, April 2, 2019

March WIPocalypse Update

WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's Musings

Each month we have to share projects we want to complete that might just be sitting in our WIP piles for way to long.

Oh My what a busy month this has been.  I feel extremely productive this month.  First let’s start off with the Question of The Month:

What newer designers and product creators (fabric or floss dyeing, etc) out there have you discovered and recommended?

This is a great question because I am new to fabric dying and floss dyeing.  In only the last year have I jumped feet first into fabric rabbit hole, and oh my have I become the hoarder now.  I will admit I have used most of what I have purchased and tried to keep it to purchase fabric with a purpose.  It's worked well for me.  I have used Picture this Plus and Fiberlious.  I have also subscribed to them because I love that I have no idea what I am going to get but as soon as I get it I find something perfect for it.  I have seen some Etsy stores but I have yet to jump.  I am sure they are wonderful too.  As for floss I again just used my first hand dyed floss in my Sleep Hollow from Glendon Place but it wasn't the last piece that required it.  Oh my how the floss is so soft and amazing.  It makes it almost hard to use DMC after using the beautiful hand dyed floss.  I am excited to use more and start an even larger project with more floss and other wonderful new things to do.  As for Designers I think I discover them like many others, through enabling or from Stitch Maynia which is another enabling force..lol 

Well onto Stitching updates..  I think this was one of the greatest months of stitching that I've had in a long time.  I have some great progress and a few finishes also.  So let the parade begin!!

The first few days of the month I worked on my Trick or Treat Heaven and Earth Design by Randal Spangler.  I really didn't have the urge to get into my WIP pile so I just kept stitching.  Everyone should know this is out all the time so if I get even 15 minutes I put a few stitches in.  I did get a lot done on it this month.  Maybe April will have another page finish?  If you notice the first photo is where I started beginning of the month and yes It's upside down.. Its because this is a very large piece and I have a hard time getting my arm in the center so someone suggested I stitch upside down.  It took a few minutes to get the hang of it.. BUT it works and makes stitching much easier. 

I feel wonderful that I can see a steeple and the next few pages are blue and the bottom are full of confetti and crazy.  It takes a lot of time and concentration for a 100 stitch block to have 25 or more colors in it.. but I will make it through.  Again as I've said before this is one of my 2019 Focal pieces.  It is my goal to get to the end of this row.  I think it is totally possible at the moment.. 

The next in my rotation was Sleepy Hollow from Glendon Place.  This is another focal piece for 2019 and again I feel this will make my complete list before the end of the year.  This is the first piece my husband told me he loved and he gets all up in my stitching space when I have this out.  I also made great progress this month.  It did get seven days, I wished these days were all days but mostly one hour at a time.  Top was before and I posted some of the back stitching because it really brings this piece to life.  Also this is my first piece I used hand dyed floss on and I was in love with it.

The next project I pulled out of my magic box of WIPS was Donner from Nora Corbett.  I remember seeing Mrs. O' So Crafty stitching this on flosstube and was sold.  I have decided to stitch all of them on one piece of fabric and the sleigh and Rudolph separate.  This was not a focal piece this year but ended up being a finish.  One thing everyone should know is I've never stitched beads before and I am in Love.. Thank you to all who have posted how to do it either on floss tube or otherwise.  I can't remember who to thank because I think I watched several.  Another reason why the community is so amazing, sharing knowledge is so awesome and encouraging.  So here is where I left off In January when I was waiting for my Grandson. and of course the finish. I did only work on this for Five days.  This left time for other projects.. I love it!!

My First Bead

After this amazing finish I got finish fever and thought heck I really need to do this again!!.. Well I got my wish.  I started this Lizzy Kate piece over a year ago and should have been done way before now, but it got lost in the WIP pile and never saw daylight until now.  Another finish took me one day but I'm claiming it. 

So I got to stitch on another WIP this month.  I was also going for a finish but I will say if I didn't go to the Lancaster Quilt Show I would have managed another finish.  I am a person who has a hard time working on a project more than seven days.  I get bored and just don't want to stitch on it anymore.  This was hard because Its so close to a finish.  This is Quotes to Live By from Stitchrovia.  I love everything about it including the fabric I purchased from Heaven and Earth Designs.  I didn't think I would like it.  I purchased if or a different piece and hated it.  I didn't know anything about fabric at the time and just bought whatever BIG MISTAKE!!! I will have to look at the tag when I get a chance to remember exactly what it is.  But here is my progress

I did have to change some colors of the back stitching or scroll work because it just blended right in but I think it turned out well.  I can't wait to purchase the rest to get this done.

So Challenge was to stitch everyday in March and I've completed that.  I keep track in my bullet journal and its so nice to see at the end of the month what I've worked on and stitched on.  What I've finished and so on... 

Focusing on April I've already pulled out my Sleepy Hollow again and ready to put some days into that one.  I am also working on giving my sewing some time also.  So each week I am going to do a rotation of  three days of sewing and 4 days of cross stitch and then switch.  I am not sure what else will be on my list for April but I would like to be more organized for next month.. I'm not holding my breathe. 

My Stitch From Stash this month was ok too.. needed some fabric for Maynia and going to learn to dye my own soon so we will see how that goes. 

Stitch From Stash March
Balanced Forwarded  $    33.23
Spending Limit  $    25.00  $    58.23
Donner - Nora Corbett  $    12.00  $    70.23
Dear Santa - Lizzy Kate     $       5.00  $    75.23
   Stoney Creek - Monthly free sampler and fabric  $    14.25  $    60.98
5 Stockings purchased from Facebook  $    40.00  $    20.98
Hobby Lobby Fabric  $    45.97  $  (24.99)

Happy Stitching Everyone.  I hope April brings you tons of Joy and lots of sun too..

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