Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Little Things make us all happy

Made it back to Pennsylvania with loads of laundry and one nasty cold and some tired people.  I have traveled a ton in my time but for some reason this trip took it out of all of us.  I started a new job (one I've been doing 😉) but I officially was supposed to start on the fourth, little did I know this cold was worse than before and I was sent home for two days to recover.  As I type I am still not sure where I am with this nastiness but I hope I'm on the mend.  Monday proved no stitching what so ever, I didn't even feel like picking anything up and slept the day away.  I am unsure how I did this because the weather was AMAZING!!  Tuesday I did finally feel a bit better but then of course the house was a wreck to my standards.. I am unsure also how a 1000 sq ft home gets so dirty so fast, so I started in on my cleaning.. I think I wore myself out but I did get some great stitching in tonight while watching the State of the Union Address and watching many people sleeping while on national television.  I don't get into politics at all but my family knows where I stand and united would be amazing but I am not sure that will ever happen.

The rest of the week proved to be very tasking, taxes and getting this together for the week.  Children needed a bit more attention to get caught up on school work because they missed about a week of school.  I have not really gotten caught up on life in general but hopefully next week proves to be more normal (my normal) as much as we can get.

So this week my focus was on Candy Cane Santa Stocking that I started I believe during Maynia 2018.  I am unsure and will have to look back on progress but I have not put as much time into this piece as I would like to.  I have a feeling it will be back again very soon.  My goal was to finish his face and then whatever I did extra I would be super happy with.  I finished his face on Sunday and did some back stitching because I really wanted to see his face pop.  I only got one color into his eye brows so there is much more to do. As you can tell by the before photos he really got some great progress and I am so pleased with where he ended.

I was unsure what I was going to do this week coming up so I think I'll work on my Trick or Treat Heaven and Earth Design because its already set up and I don't feel good still and have no desire to work on anything else at this time.  So next week hopefully you will see some major progress on this project.  

Next week is a new week!  I hope its wonderful for everyone.  Tell me what you're stitching on this week! 

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