Friday, December 13, 2019

November WIPocalypse Update

November came and went with such great hast.   I looked at one glance and gone.  Again this month is a bit boring but I did manage to work on a project.  I am not sure it is classified as WIPocalypse but I am going to update anyways.

WIPocalypse Question of the month: What new stitches or techniques did you learn this year?
I was excited this year to learn to stitch with beads.  I didn't learn any new stitches but working with beads was so much fun and learning how to stitch them to the fabric was super important.  I did work with Krenik this year and hand died floss.  Both were interesting and I learned a lot with those too.  This next year I will be doing different stitches.

This month has been crazy with craft projects, hockey, travel and of course family.

A little bit of an update and I promise not to take all day for those who came to read about my Cross Stitch progress.

My mother is recovering slow from her Quad Bypass, I wished they could get her sugars under control but at this point we will take what we can get and recovery is ever so slow but progress is progress.

We have been traveling non stop with my daughters hockey so we've been super busy with that.  I think this is a reason why my stitching has suffered such catastrophic failure.  I wouldn't trade it for the world because she is enjoying the rest of her young life.  She just turned 16 and I sure hope he sticks with it.

Another thing that has taken up some of my stitching time is my quilting.  My facebook group Quilting BOM does a 12 Days of Christmas and I can't help but join and enjoy getting to know another person.  This year I did exactly that and enjoyed making her a table runner for her 12th day.  Thank goodness she knows nothing of my blog so we are all good.  I did make her a few other things, one I am planning on making for myself and using it for my Cross Stitch.  All photos below 😀

This year has not been the best year for health issues or family passing's.  I hope 2020 works out to be better than this year.  My Grandmother would have been 92 on Thanksgiving but didn't make it this year.  I didn't have the best relationship with her later on in life but I was working on trying to get to know her again.  Life is so short to wait till the last minute.  I am glad for the time I have had with her and what I've shared recently.  I will remember how she could cook anything and that she cared for me when no one else ever did.  I will miss her and I know she is looking down on us all.

My birthday was on November 30th and I was sicker than a dog.  I really had that kind of a month.  My plans for stitching all day and going into debt with the Stitch from Stash (none existent budget) went the window.. I couldn't stand food or food commercials and the smell would make me run for cover.  I am very glad it ended the next day because it was horrible.

So with the long winded version I gave you, I sure hope you are around.  I feel like I got some great progress on this piece.  I am not sure if I told you about it before but I told someone I would do this for her daughter after she got it back with no stitches at all.  Someone was supposed to do this for her and held it captive for a while.  I worked on it here and there and then life happened.. I then misplaced it and finally found again.  Its been on the scroll frame ever since and still there now.

I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.. I've not been updating to much as for Social Media because if I can manage to get it done before Christmas I am going to send it to her as a surprise.  I'm very excited about this and hoping I have enough time. 

I will also be planning for the upcoming year.. so many SAL's happening but I will have some focus pieces I'll post soon and we will see how this year goes.. I've worked on my Bullet Journal and have come up with a quote for the year and a word.. I am looking forward not behind.. 

As usual I sure hope your stitching is bringing you joy.  Your needles are burning away at all those projects and everyone is healthy and happy.  Happy Stitching All. Till next time, I will try to actually make it on time in December, marked my calendar. 


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