Tuesday, November 5, 2019

October WIPocalypse Update

Where have the last few months gone.. I've missed August, September and now October has flown by and I've not been able to post.  I've always believed family comes first and then the rest just falls into place.  Earlier in August my husband had a scare and was hospitalized for High Blood Pressure and some strain on his heart.. That took us all for a roller coaster ride and the scare is still there but we are aware of it and I think that makes a huge difference.

I also started back to work in August and my stitching was even more depleted with two jobs, kids etc.  Still back to work and not working the second job as much, so I got to stitch a few things.  Then the dreaded phone call from your family.. My mom was in the hospital in October for Quad Bypass and that took its toll on our family.  She is doing much better but plans have changed and things didn't get done.  I am blessed to get to spend time with my mom.

Then the holiday season BAM!!! right in your face.. how does this all happen so quickly.

So I did get to stitch on many little projects for Magical stitches but I didn't write it down because when you have situation you just miss a few things.. I can't even remember what I did.  But in the last few months I did have some Amazing finishes..

I did get a page finish in on my Trick or Treat HAED.  I was just re-evaluating this piece and I am pretty sure that I will not get all the things completed that I wanted to get done by the end of the year.  I have a piece I need to work on and might try to finish before Christmas and will be taking a majority of my time between now and then so I am pretty positive that I won't get that goal completed but there is always next year.  But here is the page finish and maybe I can sneak another one in by end of December.

One that I've had on my scroll frames and I refused to take it off until I had all the back stitching done is my Amid Amish Life.  She is complete with all the bells and whistles.  I am very proud of this one, I've wanted to do this piece for about 20+ years now and I've finally made at least one of the three a completed project.  I have the other two pieces as WIPS at the moment and next year they will be in rotation and on my list to complete in 2020.

I will say this is all I have folks and I've enjoyed updating this because it feels like forever since I've done it.

Have a great day and enjoy your stitching moments when you get them.

2022 WIPocalypse - Introduction

Hello 2022  You know when you are unsure of what is to come you tip toe... yup that is exactly what I am doing right now.. slowly moving aro...